Aberdeen and Northeast Scotland Family History Society was established in 1978.
Their aim is to promote and encourage the study of family history and genealogy, especially that relating to the North-East corner of Scotland, which includes the old counties of Aberdeenshire, Banffshire, Kincardineshine and Morayshire.
The Society has had more than 21000 members and has a core membership surpassing 5000 per annum.
Meetings are held regularly throughout the year in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Elgin, Glasgow and the West Midlands of England.
Contact Information for Aberdeen and Northeast Scotland Family History Society
Aberdeen and Northeast Scotland FHS
164 King Street
AB24 5BD
Telephone Number:
01224 646323
Please use the contact form accessible on their website.
Society Resources
Many resources are available in their Research Centre, situated at 158-164 King Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5BD.
These resources include:
- Census Returns
- IGI (microfiche)
- Old Parish Registers
They also hold resources relating to the whole of Scotland.
If you are not a member of the Society, a charge is made to access the Research Centre.
Databases and Indexes
Many databases and indexes are accessible on their site, which incorporate:
- Aberdeen Stent Roll 1669
- Ancestor Chart Index (Members’ Charts in the Society’s Library)
- Family History Publications for Sale
- Innes Database
- Keithhall and Kinkell – Register of Baptisms 1867-1928
- Monumental Inscriptions
- St Nicholas, Aberdeen – Burials 1666-1793
- St Nicholas Kirk Session Accounts 1602-1705
- St Nicholas Poorhouse 1779-1788 – Index and Transcription
A list of Aberdeen Parishes, detailing the dates of Old Parish Registers held at the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh and on microfilm in the Society’s Research Centre, is also available.

Society Publications
Numerous publications are available for sale, which comprise:
- Aberdeen Female Teachers pre -1872: a biographical list (Alison T. McCall)
- Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Deaths 1743-1822 and 1838-1897
- Aberdeen School Board Female Teachers 1872-1901 (Alison T. McCall)
- Poll Books 1696
- Back Journals of Aberdeen FHS
- Census Indexes
- Church Histories
- Diary of Robert Lees: early 19th Century Life in Old Stonehaven
- Family Histories
- In Sickness and in Health: NE Health Records
- Membership Roll Frederick Street Congregational Chapel Aberdeen 1807-1859
- Monumental Inscriptions
- Session Records
Research Service
A research service is offered by the Society for those unable to visit its Research Centre, for which a charge is made.