Nottinghamshire Record Office holds documents relating to the history of the county of Nottinghamshire.
Their collection of four million documents include resources referring to Nottingham and the diocese of Southwell and Nottingham.
The Offices’s resources also cover local bodies and organisations, families and individuals.
Whatever your research interest, whether you are researching your family history, want to learn more about the history of a house, or discover more about your local community, you will find the documents held of use. They are also useful if you are researching for a school project or completing your university degree.
The knowledgeable and helpful staff are always on hand to help should you require assistance.
If you have any documents relating to the history of the county that you would like to donate to the Archive so they can be preserved for future generations and made available to the public, they would be pleased to hear from you.
Information about Nottinghamshire Record Office
Nottinghamshire Archives
Castle Meadow Road
Telephone Number:
0115 958 1634
For details about collections held, please visit their Home Page and peruse their online catalogue. The catalogue contains information regarding the collections, but not all resources held by the Archive are included in the catalogue at present. No images of any documents appear in the catalogue.
They also have details of parish registers held by the Archive.
Collections held by the Office include:
- Census Returns
- Electoral Registers
- Estate Records
- Family Papers
- Maps and Plans
- Nonconformist Registers
- Parish Registers
- Probate Records
- Quarter Sessions Records
- Street Directories
- Tithe Apportionments
- Trade Directories
- Wills
Opening Hours
To find details regarding their opening hours, please visit the appropriate section of their Visiting the Archives page.
Location and Directions
The Office is approximately 5 minutes walk from Broadmarsh bus station and Nottingham railway station, adjacent to the Magistrates Court and opposite the HMRC buildings.
They have a car park but space is limited. If the car park is full, there are public car parks nearby. There are only two disabled spaces so you have to give 24 hours notice in order that a space may be guaranteed.
If you want to use microfiche or access original documents it is not necessary to make an appointment, but if you want to use a computer then booking is advisable.
You are able to book a PC by telephoning 0115 958 1634, and giving your name and telephone number along with the day and time you would like to book the computer.
You will also need to bring along one form of ID such as a driving licence or bank card.
For further information about the use of computers, please peruse the computers section of their Visiting the Archives page. This includes details of how far ahead of your visit you can book and how long you can book a computer for.
You are able to book up to 4 documents in advance of your visit, but must have a CARN ticket before you can utilise this service. You should give them the reference of the document(s) you wish to consult, and tell them the date and approximate time of your proposed visit.
You do not have to book a microfiche reader.
Photography and Photocopying
You are allowed to take photographs using your own camera, but the Office makes a charge for this service. Some documents cannot be photographed because they are fragile and easily damaged.
You are able to take photocopies of items on the open shelves and in the library, but cannot take photocopies of original documents.
If you wish to have a photocopy of an original document, this photocopy must be made by a member of staff. The Office makes a small charge to people taking advantage of these services.
The Archive has many computers for use by visitors. You are able to access many family history websites on the computer, which includes access to Ancestry and the Archives’ online catalogue.
The building is fully accessible to people using wheelchairs. Height adjustable tables are available. Disabled toilets are also accessible.
If you have an eyesight impairment, you are able to borrow a magnifying glass from reception. A scanner is accessible, offering the facility to change the contrast and colour of the document text so that you can view original resources. Guide dogs are welcome in the Archive.
Induction hearing loops are installed in the meeting rooms.
The visitors’ room has a hot drinks machine and water cooler. You are welcome to eat your own food in this area.If you wish to have a more substantial meal, cafes and restaurants are within 10 minutes (½ mile) walk from the Office.
Research Service
If you are unable to visit in person, the Archive offers a research service, where they are prepared to conduct research on your behalf.
You will need to download and complete their Research Service order form in order to commission research. Please bear in mind the Office does make a charge for this service.
If you wish to obtain basic information regarding the resources held by the Office, this will be given free of charge.
Readers’ Tickets
Nottinghamshire Record Office does not accept Archives Cards. You have to obtain an Inspire Library Card to peruse original documents.
You will have to take ID with you that shows your name, address and signature to register for a card.
Visitors are required to sign the Visitors book at reception and place bags and coats in the lockers provided.